Pilates And Menopause

Pilates And Menopause

Menopause is a subject that unfortunately even in this day and age is still shrouded in secrecy and to some degree, shame. Don’t have shame - all women go through this stage of life. And, Pilates can certainly help!

During menopause there is a drop in estrogen levels which means there is a loss of bone density which can lead to osteopenia and osteoporosis. It can also cause muscle and joint pain leading to stiffness which sometimes results in injury. There are many symptoms of menopause (fatigue, weight gain or loss, brain fog, hot flashes) that can last from 1 year to 10 years after menstruation has ceased. So let's look at how Pilates can directly help women to maintain their health and fitness through this stage of life.

Building Healthy Bones With Pilates

Bone is living tissue and during the first 5 years after menopause, women are at risk of losing around 10 percent of their bone mass due to the drop in estrogen levels! This will continue to decline as you age unless you take active steps to combat this. In order to avoid osteopenia and osteoporosis, which can leave you susceptible to fracture, it's vital to include weight-bearing, resistance and strength training in your exercise program. It's far better to prepare for this potential loss of bone density several years before you reach menopause in order to maintain your bone health but if that wasn't possible for you, it's never too late to start improving it.

Strengthen Your Muscles & Improve Joint Mobility

Estrogen is anti-inflammatory so when the levels drop during menopause, joints are more susceptible to painful, inflammatory conditions. There is also a reduction in collagen production which is necessary for maintaining the strength of tendons. This means you may be more prone to injury during and after menopause and old injuries that may have been dormant can flare up again. Movement is the solution but it's important that you don't overload the joints but focus on strengthening the core and other muscles as efficiently as possible to support the joints at this vulnerable time. Pilates is very low impact and helps to improve and maintain the range of movement of joints which can assist to reduce pain.

Reduce Anxiety & Restore Calm

The hormonal changes combined with other symptoms such as sleep disturbances can understandably lead to anxiety, irritability and mood swings. Pilates is sometimes referred to as "moving meditation" because the combination of slow controlled movements with a conscious breathing pattern stimulates our parasympathetic nervous system which promotes a state of calm. When you make Pilates a regular practice, the benefits for both your mind and body are invaluable. Dedicating that time to focus solely on yourself and your wellbeing is highly beneficial. Pilates is as much a mental workout as it is physical and this also contributes to the meditative effect.

As you can see Pilates really is ideal for women who are going through perimenopause and menopause and then right through to their retirement years. Your Pilates class incorporates all the elements that you need to ensure you maintain good muscle strength, healthy dense bones, good balance and a calm, clear mind. It's perfect for staying healthy during the unavoidable hormonal ups and downs!

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