Hit the ball farther, straighter and more accurately with less chance of injury.

The point of Pilates is not to become better at Pilates. Rather, Pilates helps us cultivate reliable, functional movement for doing life, and to improve function and strength for our other activities, including sports. Golf is a perfect example. Pilates hones many of the skills that are essential to playing golf at a high level. Every golfer, whether a tournament regular or weekend player, can benefit from Pilates to his or her workouts.

Golf is a game of repetition and asymmetry. Most golfers will swing only with their dominant arm. Over time, this can create imbalances in the body. For example, in a right-handed golfer, the gluteals, adductors, the lats, and hamstrings on the left are working, while the rotator cuff, pectorals, and quadriceps on the right are working. Given the repetitive patterns and muscle endurance that golf requires, without training off the golf course to rebalance and strengthen appropriately, injuries are likely to occur.

The swing is a complex, coordinated movement that on the moment of impact applies compressive forces approximately eight times the body weight. In addition, spinal alignment is fundamental. The spine coils and uncoils 110 to 130 times in one direction over an average four-hour game. That’s a lot of spinal rotation.

Pilates is based on movement from the center of the body, as are most shots in golf. It strengthens the center of the body, also known as the core (the trunk, shoulder girdles and pelvis). Core strength can improve hip rotation, range of motion in the shoulders and back stability leading to more powerful and accurate golf shots. It is also a full body exercise that works all muscles and is easy on the joints. The end result is a flexible, symmetrically muscled body that is strengthened from the inside out.

A stronger and more stable core helps golfers:

Attain an optimal backswing and follow-through with increased range of motion in shoulders

Get more distance and power because of added hip and torso flexibility

Have a stronger and bigger hip turn for greater power through rotation

Create a smoother and more powerful swing due to evenly conditioned back muscles

Maximize balance and alignment while rotating

Decrease fatigue because of less strain on the body

Hold a body position long enough to play through a shot

Play without pain!

Golf requires skill, power, finesse, and body awareness. Lack of flexibility, poor core strength, and misalignment or restrictions in rotation can drag down one’s golf game. The good news is that they can all be improved with a dedicated Pilates practice.

Have a tournament or big match coming up? Take a class or private session the day before to ensure you’re able to hit ‘em straight!

We are a Boutique Pilates Reformer Studio in Timonium, Maryland

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