Many people think sweat is the only gauge of exercise intensity, but it’s more about how much you contracted and released your muscles because that’s how the muscle gets stronger.
Read MoreAlthough Pilates has been around for more than 50 years, there are still misconceptions about what it is, what it’s not, and what it can do.
Read MoreIt’s not uncommon for a Pilates student to walk into class and say to the Instructor, “I woke up this morning and my back just hurts and I have no idea why”.
Read MoreYou’ve heard it before….sitting is the new smoking.
Read MoreEvery Body Can Do Pilates
Read MoreMenopause is a subject that unfortunately even in this day and age is still shrouded in secrecy and to some degree, shame. Don’t have shame - all women go through this stage of life. And, Pilates can certainly help!
Read MoreIt’s hot in Baltimore. Heat wave warnings that began in the spring promise to stick around and worsen throughout the season. Staying hydrated is becoming more important than ever as our bodies work harder to stay cool in the stifling heat.
Read MoreDo you stretch daily but the feeling of muscle tightness keeps coming back?
Read MoreWhat exactly is a Jumpboard class?
Read MoreWe all experience inflammation, which is a general term for the body's natural response to injury of some kind, be it an infection, physical injury, or toxin. For the sake of today, we’ll talk about inflammation as it relates to food because it’s Memorial Day weekend. :)
Read MoreHit the ball farther, straighter and more accurately with less chance of injury.
Read MoreWhen it comes to getting a really great Pilates workout, consistency is the key.
Read MoreHow To Use The Mindbody App for Scheduling & Purchasing a Package
Read MoreIt's happened to most of us. You sneeze, giggle, cough, or jump and you accidentally dribble in your pants. Whoopsy daisy! Don't fret....most likely your pelvic floor just needs some extra love and attention.
Read More"Ouch, my hip hurts when I lie on my side!"
Hip bursitis, sometimes called gluteal tendinitis, is pain on the outside of your hip near the greater trochanter – those two big knobby bones on the outside of the hip area. Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa.
Read MoreSpring is here and for many of us that means pulling weeds, moving dirt and planting. Yard work can be very strenuous on our backs, hips and joints. Gardeners need to maintain an awareness of posture and good alignment when tackling yard work to help avoid aches and pains the next day.
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